Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

But I found that most people crave to know what they don't know. Eating matzoh at work on Easter Sunday was a big attraction. A large handful of people had never seen it before, had certainly not heard of kugel but didn't want to be out of the loop and most wanted to try it (again for the very first time). So after we got through all the "is that your jew bread?" jokes, there wa some conversation. Not much cause nobody always feels like playing rabbi, but some. Point is , it's so often that all the jew references here, and they are constant, clearly come from a lack of exposure which is a hard thing to overcome.


motownbilly said...

Be 'jewier'. That way the average exposure people receive will increase, and they'll become more acclimated and worldly at a faster rate. Feel free to delete this comment.

Adam Orman said...

I couldn't possibly delete this. It's kind of the point. Did I really need to bring Matzo to work or did I just do it because I knew people wouldn't know what it is. I certainly let my beard grow way too long because it makes me look like a Jewish Superhero (says me anyway). I mean it's definitely an option but not all of us have my messiah complex.